FictionalCharacterBattles Wiki
He is coming, he who waits behind the wall, He who waits to end it all.
— Zalgo


Zalgo (as he is most commonly referred to) is described as an entity of pure chaos. Very little is known about Zalgo and its desires, objectives, or even real form. Only one thing has been made brutally clear- it is he who will cause the eventual destruction of Earth.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 1-C+ to Possibly Low 1-B

Name: Zalgo, He Who Waits Behind The Wall, Nezperdian Hivemind

Origin: Creepypasta

Gender: Genderless

Age: Unknown, potentially as old as the existence itself

Classification: God of Choas and Evil

Powers and Abilities: Reality WarpingPossession, Mind Control, Mind ManipulationTelepathyFire ManipulationDarkness ManipulationSuperhuman Physical CharacteristicsOmnipresence (said to reside inside of all mankind), Enhanced SensesSummoning (capable of calling upon his "legions", see video below), Vocal Attacks, Fear Aura, Multilingualism, Soul Manipulation, Chaos Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation, Corruption Manipulation

Attack Potency: At least Complex Multiversal Level+, possibly Low Hyperversal Level

Speed: Omnipresent (implied to be within every living being as a sort of natural philosophy or ideology, Is the very concept of Chaos and Evil itself)

Lifting Strength: At least Stellar+ (casually holds a star in one hand and a candle of similar size in the other)

Striking Strength: At least Complex Multiversal Level+, Possibly Low Hyperversal Level

Durability: Unknown, At least Complex Multiversal Level+, Possibly Low Hyperversal Level (Can survive the end of reality itself and this is further proven by the story itself)

Stamina: Unknown, likely limitless

Range: Unknown, at least planetary (capable of casually destroying voice with his voice), likely 72,000,000 (72 million) miles physically (if comparable to a human being in body structure and the dead star is comparable to something like a baseball for him, then his arm scales to being 72 million miles long, assuming this is an average sized star), Complex-Multiversal (His influence spreads across the Infinite Creepypasta Multiverse and all worlds/dimensions)

Standard Equipment: A candle whose light is shadow, a dead star

Intelligence Unknown, Likely Nigh-Omniscient (Has knowledge of across all worlds and dimensions)

Weaknesses: Requires permission from a human to manifest himself (although more than enough exist, and can use mind control/manipulation to force this on a human), none notable beyond this


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
